Saturday, August 8, 2015

Horrible Wedding Dress Supplier - Camille's Boutique 4th Floor Bridal Section in 168 Mall Divisoria

I created a blogger account just to post this horrible experience in the internet. I'm not a blogger so please pardon any grammatical errors you will read...

We would like to share about the customer experience and outputs we got from the stall #4f-02, "Camille's Boutique" in 4th floor bridal section 168 mall. Owner is Rebecca Cruz.

It was May 24, 2015 when we chose their boutique to do the bride's gown and groom's barong & pants. They took our measurements, we gave a downpayment of Php10,000 cash and agreed to have a first fitting of both bride & groom apparel on July 5, 2015.

This was followed by measurements and downpayments of 2 flower girl's dress, and 5 entourage long dress within the month of June 2015 (That's 2 x 300, and 5 x 500, a total of Php3100)

There are other receipts similar to this one. Notice the Name and the Stall #. The one in their calling card is "Camille's Boutique" but they are using "Earon Dry Goods" for the receipt (actually, it's a Sales Invoice).

A few days before July 5, 2015 we got a text that the first fitting of the bride and groom will be moved 1 week late and we said it's fine. A few days before July 12, 2015, we received a text that the fitting will be moved by another week due to the bad weather.  We agreed to move it again and the good news is that the 3 entourage dress is also ready for first fitting.

Text message that the first fitting will be moved a week after 

Text message that the first fitting will be moved again a week after

On July 19, 2015, the bride was able to fit the gown but there are a LOT of modifications to do. The gown was totally not the way the bride wants it to be. The groom was not able to fit anything because the owner (Rebecca Cruz) said that the barong and pants "didn't make it to the service". The 2 entourage dress needs to be adjusted to be smaller (which is fine since it's the first fitting), and the other one needs to be redone since the original measurement was from another person (which is fine as well). We discussed the modifications of the bride's gown, and the 3 entourage dress and schedule a 2nd fitting on July 29, 2015 which will also include the groom's first fitting. Also, the 1st fitting of the 2 flower girls and 1 entourage dress is scheduled on July 21, 2015.

Confirming the first fitting on July 19 (Bride, 3 entourage).

The left photo is one of the entourage. The right photo is the sample we gave. Spot the difference (except the color of course)

One of the entourage dress again. She's really detailed in spotting the differences versus the sample we gave.

More details from the entourage dress

Conversations after the first fitting to discuss the modifications further, in detail.

On July 21, 2015 the 2 flower girls and 1 entourage dress was fitted but there are again a few adjustments to make all the dress smaller (the allowance they put is too much).  The 2nd fitting for the 2 flower girls and 1 entourage dress is also scheduled on July 29, 2015.

On July 29, 2015, Rebecca Cruz informed us that they need more time to adjust the bride's gown and the other entourage dresses so the 2nd fitting of the bride's gown, 4 entourage dresses, and 2 flower girls are all rescheduled on August 2, 2015. The first fitting of the groom's barong and pants is also moved on August 2, 2015.

If you would notice, the groom and one (1) entourage dress never had a first fitting since the original schedule (July 5, 2015). That is ~one month delay for the first fitting! Also take note that they inform us for rescheduling on the day itself and didn't even apologize or anything.

On August 2, 2015, Rebecca Cruz' husband (Leonardo Diaz) was there, Rebecca Cruz was NOT there. The bride was able to 2nd fit the "ADJUSTED" gown but it was just WORSE. The form didn't fit the bride in general, and almost all of the modifications that were discussed last July 19, 2015 were NOT followed. At this point the bride is really disappointed and frustrated because she was repeatedly kept on explaining to Rebecca Cruz what to do, we even printed lots of pictures and she explained the modifications in detail. The surprising part is that for the groom's barong and pants, only the pants were there and Leonardo Diaz again told us that the barong "didn't make it to the service". I came from Las Pinas to fit the barong and pants, and just to found out that only the pants were there when I'm about to arrive in 15 mins to 168!!! I was able to fit the pants and had a minor adjustment to it, it was fine but I need to wear it with the barong (which is not there!) to see the whole picture.
The 2 flower girls and the 4 entourage were not able to 2nd fit due to the conflict of schedule.

Before we left the shop, Leonardo Diaz asked us for further downpayments so he can "give salary to their saleslady". We didn't give him anything since we were disappointed on their deliverable. He even have the guts to ask us for money despite the crappy gown and the missing barong.

We came home tired, disappointed, frustrated, and angry. I've collected all the facts (as I wrote above) and called Rebecca Cruz one more time. We (groom and Rebecca Cruz) settled and agreed to get the 2 flower girl's dress, 5 entourage long dresses (includes the 1 entourage dress that was never had a 1st fitting), and the groom's barong (which never had a 1st fitting) and pants just to finish transactions to them. We (bride and groom) also planned to cancel the bride's gown since we were really tired and disappointed on their output, customer service, attitude, and punctuality. We scheduled to get all of them on August 5, 2015. I (groom) even filed for a Half day just to finalize this. Starting August 3, 4, and 5 I kept on reminding Rebecca Cruz and clarifying that only the bride's gown needs further work, and the 2 flower girls, 5 entourage dress, and groom's barong and pants are all FINISHED.

On August 5, 2015, we (bride and groom) arrived to their stall at 4pm. I measured the barong and pants. The pants were adjusted accordingly, but the barong is too large for me (again, the allowance are too much!). Even though it was too large, I decided to settle and fully paid for it just to finish the transactions to them as I am really pissed off dealing with them. The bride inspected the other dresses (2 flower girls, 5 entourage dress) and it generally looks fine at the first glance. The bride inspected the gown (she didn't fit it anymore since we're planning to cancel it anyway) and still, the adjustments and modifications were still NOT followed. After inspection and fitting, we now said to Rebecca Cruz that we will cancel the gown.

They put pins to mark the necessary adjustments. That's 1-inch or so I think.

We had further discussions on the final payment since I want to end the transactions to them.  We eventually settle and paid the remaining balance of Php5400 for the 2 flower girls, 5 entourage dress, and groom's barong and pants. Rebecca Cruz get one of our receipts since she said she doesn't have a copy of the receipt (how irresponsible!). We forgot and left the gown there as we were just so pissed off and want to leave their stall.

When we got home, the 2 flower girls and 1 entourage dress were fitted. The 2 flower girls' dress were okay, but there’s a missing hook on the top of the zipper, and one entourage dress was adjusted a little too much because it was too tight. Looking further at the other dresses, the finish was not polished, and there were also missing hooks and some details to the dresses. The bride's mother wants us to get the unfinished crappy gown as well, so we decided to text Rebecca Cruz, and their saleslady that same day that the bride will pick up the unfinished gown the tomorrow (August 6, 2015). They have confirmed that the unfinished gown is in the shop, ready for pickup.

On August 6, 2015 the bride arrived to their stall around 12:30PM only to found out that the gown WAS NOT THERE. Leonardo Diaz said that the gown was brought along with the service last night (August 5, 2015) and the service will arrive around 1:30PM. The bride cannot wait until 1:30PM since she needs to go to work around 2PM. The bride and Leonardo Diaz agreed that the bride will come back around 7PM and Leonardo Diaz will wait for the bride to get the unfinished gown. Around 6PM, the bride already took off from work and go to 168 and contacted Leonardo Diaz.
At first, Leonardo Diaz was still replying that he will wait for the bride( "no problem!" ) and then eventually around 6:30PM he asked a favor of an extra charge of Php100 for his commute fair going home because he said that "the service already left" and he'll just box the gown to make it up to the extra charge. The bride declined the favor since she has no extra cash at hand. To arrive on time, the bride walked her way since the traffic was really bad, and it's even raining. During this time, Leonardo Diaz is no longer replying and we had a premonition that Leonardo Diaz already left.
The bride arrived around 7:15 PM rushing to the nearly closing 168 mall. Upon arriving to the stall, it was already closed, no signs of Leonardo Diaz, not even a text or call. The bride tried contacting Leonardo Diaz but he is not answering the call. I even contacted him as well, and there were no answers.

Take a look at the time of the text message saying that the gown is already there. (4:15PM). If the bride waited for the gown, she will wait for ~4hrs!

Conversation confirming that Leonardo Diaz will wait for the bride.

Conversation of the bride and Leonardo Diaz regarding the extra Php100 pesos for his commute fair. After the last text, there's no more reply. We started calling him after that.

IT WAS A DISASTER. The bride is so pissed off, angry, disappointed, tired, exhausted, and hungry. She initially reported this incident to the 168 security present at that time.

Info of the security personnel present at that time.

We came back the morning after (August 7, 2015) accompanied by a 168 admin officer and the unfinished gown was there. Only the saleslady was there (Rebecca Cruz and Leonardo Diaz were NOT there yet). We picked up the unfinished gown and re-asked for a final receipt of all the payments we did.

Receipt (Sales Invoice) issued to us after getting the unfinished gown

We hope our story won’t happen to any soon-to-wed couples out there. Please help share this story and choose your apparel supplier wisely!

Note: This was not the first time it happened, we found out a blog that complains the same boutique. See

We found out about this blog but it was too late since we already gave a downpayment of Php10,000 and just hope for the best, but the worst happened.


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